Today's picture is of a Zoanthus gigantus colony at Bise. First time to see this color pattern. Depth 6 m. Taken by JDR.
Quick lab meeting this week. Topics discussed included:
1. Be careful using common space (5th floor DNA expt room, 5th floor histology room, 3rd floor tank room) - and make sure you clean up everything that you have used. If you are busy, don't leave things, but instead ask someone else from our lab to do this, and repay them a favor back at a later date.
2. We all have slippers now!
3. JDR will go sampling for Zoanthus spp. for 1st year lab classes next Tuesday. Helpers welcome to come along. Destination to be announced Monday.
4. Shopping: small buckets with lids, drying rack next to the sink.
Presentation was made by YI, who introduced her research and the problems with how to count clones. Well done!