Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.6.25

Today's picture is of a Zoanthus gigantus colony at Bise. First time to see this color pattern. Depth 6 m. Taken by JDR.

Quick lab meeting this week. Topics discussed included:

1. Be careful using common space (5th floor DNA expt room, 5th floor histology room, 3rd floor tank room) - and make sure you clean up everything that you have used. If you are busy, don't leave things, but instead ask someone else from our lab to do this, and repay them a favor back at a later date.
2. We all have slippers now!
3. JDR will go sampling for Zoanthus spp. for 1st year lab classes next Tuesday. Helpers welcome to come along. Destination to be announced Monday.
4. Shopping: small buckets with lids, drying rack next to the sink.

Presentation was made by YI, who introduced her research and the problems with how to count clones. Well done!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.6.18

Summer is here, officially we are done with rainy season. And tomorrow is the beach.

Anyways, this week's announcements:

1. Lagoon - Sato-san at the Ishigaki International Coral Reef Monitoring Center has requested our lab to write an article introducing research done in our lab. This is a great opportunity to get the word out on our work, so we will all write something.
2. Room plan - we discussed space, and the potential addition of new students. Looks like we will be crowded, but we all voted not to move to another older room.
3. Diving tomorrow - Bise! Leave at 08:40. JDR, FS, YI, TF, ES will participate.
4. ES at Sesoko this week, checking Palythoa spawning. We hope something happens...
5. Histology room - the 5th floor room is now ready for use. We must record names with Hidaka-sensei.
6. FS will go to Hedo this weekend. Email him if you are interested.
7. Shopping at Makeman - JDR. Will buy sample trays, and a few odds and ends.
8. Presentation - JDR talked about reticulate evolution and its potential in zoanthids.

Today's picture in from Miyako-jima last week, YI is a sunaginchaku-sensei. Good practice for the 3rd years perhaps!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Corals and Modern Life

COE Seminar - Dr. Andrew Baird - June 13th

Dr. Baird (or Andrew after a beer) gave an interesting talk on corals, their Symbiodinium, the stresses of modern life, and what may or may not happen. His opinions were:

1. Different corals have different max temp thresholds in different areas, even within species, and there is variation.
2. Global climate change may not be a "doomsday scenario" but their may be community shifts.
3. Some species of coral may adapt (not acclimate) in time.

All in all, food for thought, as we can apply lots of these ideas to zoanthids and soft corals.

YM, ES, FS, and JDR attended.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.6.11

Latest notes from the lab...

1. Friday, June 12th, COE conference - Dr. Andrew Baird discussing corals, zooxanthellae, and the critical thresholds of both parties in the symbiosis. Combined Research Bldg. Room 102 from 15:00~16:00.
(Note: YM, ES, JDR and FS attended).
2. TF presented on dive sites in Okinawa.
3. FS and YI will go to Miyakojima for sampling this weekend.
4. May be a dive in Kin Bay next Tuesday or Thursday...
5. Slippers! (YM and JDR).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Check this link out

That said, time to diet... My face is round! ;-)

These people here in Singapore really use the net to get the word out - we could learn a few things from them.

Also, Cyrene Reef - which I mentioned yesterday, is apparently in danger of being "developed" - which is politician-speak for destroyed and paved over. This happens in Japan too, so if you care about reefs out there in Japan or Singapore (or anywhere really) check these blogs out and see what you can do to help protect the reefs of the world!

bedtime here,

Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Singapore

Hi everyone!

Today we went to Cyrene Reef, a beautiful spot right in the middle of all the Singapore shipping lanes. It is a submerged reef, exposed only at low tide, and is quite big (3 km around?). Anyways, there are many seagrasses, and many many zoanthids. I found lots of Z. vietnamensis, Z. sansibaricus, and P. mutuki, as well as some new "mystery" ones - (TF will be interested). Unfortunately, not many soft corals or crinoids, but I was amazed at how rich the reef was.

Other recent spots visited include Changi Beach, Raffles Lighthouse, and Hantu Island (again). I have now collected 79 samples here.

Here is a picture to give you an idea of just how many zoanthids are on this reef!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

from Singapore!

Hello everyone,

Just a couple quick announcements from JDR in Singapore.

1. There is a COE presentation of corals and zooxanthellae on June 13th from 15:00-16:10. It will be given by Dr. Andrew Baird and will be held in "fukugoto" room 212. Please attend if you are interested.

2. YM - there are Briarium here. I will collect some tomorrow. Also, for MO, I have some crinoid pictures too.

JDR who is very very sleepy!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday update

Hello everyone - just a quick update.

1. FS, MO, YM and ES now know how to use the autoclave on the 5th floor, and prepare tips. DW (distilled water) and other equipment. If you haven't learned how yet (YI and TF) ask one of them.

2. JDR is in Singapore from June 3rd to 12th. This week's lab meeting will be run by FS at the usual time (Weds; 16:20).