Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.5.28

Here are the topics discussed in today's lab meeting.

from JDR:
1. Buy slippers now! (this means JDR/YM/ES).
2. FS will go to Hedo this weekend (see the last post).
3. On June 14th at Ryudai, there will be a workshop related to the G8 discussing environmental and energy problems. The panel will include three Nobel Prize winners. It will be held in English; if you are interested please tell JDR. A poster is posted in the student room.
4. Ishigaki - potential sampling of Palythoa and helping with PTX research on the Nagasaki Maru from June 17-21. Interested - tell JDR!
from ES:
1. Sampling at Odo tomorrow a.m.
from MO:
1. Night dive tonght at Mizugama.
2. Pay your monthly (200 yen!) fee.
from YM:
1. His fish food is in the fridge in the student room; don't eat it!

presentation: MO introduced his research.

Monday, May 26, 2008

News from Fred (via JDR)

News from FS, who is in Chiba today...

1. He will go to Hedo this weekend, maybe Friday night or Saturday a.m. depending on wind and waves. He is thinking of camping in his van.
2. JDR may go too, but he has to check - more information at the meeting this Weds.

Also, VERY low tides on June 4. JDR is in Singapore, but for students this may be a chance to sample or do transects without even swimming.

See you soon....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.5.22

Today we had our weekly lab meeting. We will not discuss anything top secret on this blog, but will try to post our weekly meetings to give you an idea of what goes on in our lab.


1. Formalin usage sheet has been posted in the lab - please fill it out when using formalin! (JDR)
2. We discussed sampling trip protocol - which is the following:
a. Write your name on the calendar in the lab when you are planning to go to the beach. You become the organizer of the trip, and are responsible for tanks and paperwork.
b. Other lab members contact you to express interest.
c. The day before the trip, write the location on the calendar. Contact interested people to arrange tanks, cars, and times.
d. Send JDR an email before entry with location, and another upon exit - just in case! (JDR & FS)
3. Lab - a. keep the DNA area clean, no bare feet (please buy sandals), and went over experiment protocol (talking, sneezing, etc.).
b. ES will make a "performing experiment" sign for the door. (JDR & FS)
4. Okinawa Zoology Conference this Saturday in the new Science Building. 1000 yen for students. Take a look! (JDR)
5. Trips: ES - Sesoko May 22-27th for Palythoa spawning.
JDR - JAMSTEC May 22-27 for DNA work
FS - Hayama and Chiba May 23-28 for sampling and museum specimens
6. Presentation - FS - Sample management and Google Earth.

That's all for now.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome to...

Lab Overview:
In the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, MISE focuses on research into coral reef invertebrate biology using ecological and molecular methods. Currently, members of MISE are particularly interested in zoanthids, soft corals, and sea stars.

Lab Members:

James Reimer - associate professor
Frederic Sinniger - JSPS post-doctoral fellow
Masami Obuchi - doctorate course student (3rd year)
Yu Miyazaki - masters course student (1st year)
Yuka Irei - undergraduate student (4th year)
Takuma Fujii - undergraduate student (4th year)
Eriko Shiroma - undergraduate student (4th year)

This page is still under construction, but will expand (hopefully quickly) as we work on it. Members of the lab will also have their own pages to introduce their research. Stay tuned.