Friday, November 21, 2008

Lab meeting 2008.11.19

Lots of small notices today...

Present: YS, TF, MH, YH, ES, YI, YM, CA, MO, JDR
Absent: FS (Europe)

1. New dissecting microscope and camera have arrived. Set up will be done this week, so ES can start work on Palythoa gametes. The camera can be mounted on the microscope, and there is also an underwater housing. Macro of 1 cm, and 12.1 MP, so we can really zoom in on the smaller reef denizens.
2. Lab fees: 200 yen/month. Please pay if you have forgotten.
3. 3rd years: Slippers, lab rules (YS), and please make a webmail address for seminar PDFs etc. (YS, YH).
4. Please tell JDR your IP addresses so he can keep track of them in the future.
5. If you are interested in studying overseas (undergrads only), please check with the student office ASAP - much info there.
6. To buy: computer locks, erector set for drying wetsuits. Please keep the lab windows locked at night for safety!
7. We will throw away the large green shelf outside the lab.
8. Primers - order by 11/30. YM wants new soft Concepcion et al 2008 coral primer set, CA and JDR will make some others too.
9. Nozawa-san from Kuroshio Lab will visit Thursday.
10. TF, YI, YM and JDR will go the 11th Japan Coral Reef Conference in Shizuoka this weekend. Check here for updates!
11. 3rd years and Masters seminar: Please prepare resumes, and send PDFs of the paper you are studying to the chair so it can be distributed to all members.
12. Tanks: this week: MO

13. Today's pictures were of Churaumi Aquarium training by YI. Next week, YS.

Picture above is of bubble anemone at Sunabe last week.