Friday, November 5, 2010

11/3 lab. meeting

1. There is a Japan-Taiwan exchange scholarship available for Japanese students. Please go to if you are interested.
2. Kris goes to Moorea (French Polynesia) from Saturday.
3. Okuto has reported the Science experiment room air conditioner is broken. Does anyone else have any information? Please tell Jamie so we can get it fixed if needed.
4. Takuma will perhaps be on TV this Friday on NHK (19:30-19:55) - watch and see!
5. There may be construction in our lab in the new building as workers try to find why our room smells so bad.

10/27 lab. meeting

1. Typhoon coming.
2. Other lab. was robbed.
3. A habu appeared in the area of a deparetment of agriculture.
4. ATM (Kaihou and Ryuukyuu bank) in our Univ. will be closed 11/10-11/30.
5. Don't park your car beside Rising star building.