1. The yellow tips, which are different type from what we used originally, arrived.
We ordered two boxes. Let's make sure if these fit to our micropipet.
2. EtBr arrived. Takuma and Haruka made new diluted one.
3. We will buy new dissection microscope and camera.
The camera considered to buy is set until 7th June for test.
4. Please make sure of switching off a light microscope after you use.
5. In our DNA room, a space in the shelves is almost full.
So, let's put each person's bottle of TAE Buffer and DW together and make common one.
6. At RS, let's separate the places of Ethanol bottle and Formalin bottle.
7. We have only one PCR machine.
We can use the common one at 5th floor.
If you want to start to use them, it is better to ask someone who know the methods of using.
8. This Friday, Haruka, Kris and Doris send sequences. They have complete 2 plates.
Next week, Haruka and Yuka will send sequences. If you join, please tell them.