- If there is problem with the RS-1F air-cont contact Jame.
- Fast-Mac address will change since November 1th:
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株式会社 ファスマック
バイオ研究支援事業部 ※事業部名が11月1日より変更となります。
シーケンス解析サービス( 相原、大崎、小松、松平 )
〒243-0021 神奈川県厚木市岡田3088 A棟4階
Tel ; 046-281-9902
Fax ; 046-281-9931
Email; seq@fasmac.co.jp (解析ご依頼用)
seqsupport@fasmac.co.jp (お問い合わせ用)
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- October 30th Security inspection in Science Building.
- There will be new personal in Biology office since November 1th.
- If you need very fine tweezers, please contact Hatsuko-san.
- If you need to order material for you research, please contact Jame.
- We still looking for the lost SCUBA regulator and BC.
- Students with research works applicable to Palau please show your proposal to Jame.
- Seminar schedule is changing on December 5th.