Long time no update, we have all been busy...
Here is what is new @ MISE:
1. Cruise to Hatoma Knoll - JDR went on the Natsushima to this hydrothermal vent area last month. No zoanthids, but some anemones and lots of great pictures.
2. Seminar presentations - YM, ES, TF, and YI all had presentations last month, and they all managed to finish them on time. Good job.
3. Midterm presentations - the 4th years had their presentations last week (see picture!). They went very well, and some good questions will also help them focus on future research. Otsukare sama to everyone. These presentations provided a good chance for us to all assess how our research is proceeding.
4. New students! - MH, YH, and YS all join our lab. Welcome!!
Summer from this week - safe diving and hopefully even I can get some research done.