We held the lab meeting in the new RS Research Building - very nice!
Points of discussion:
1. Active Ranger jobs available in Naha and on Ishigaki. Ask Tsuchiya-sensei for details.
2. Part-time jobs for conferences: a. Sperm conference, June 24-29 - ask Takemura-sensei.
b. Toxicology conference, June 16-18th - ask Yamasaki-sensei.
3. We can "officially" move into the new RS building on May 19th, when internet and the phones are connected.
4. Two 3rd years (MN, SN) have unofficially entered the lab, we still have space for one more.
5. May 29th - English children's reef walk and picnic at Toguchi, if you are interested in helping see JDR.
6. Don't forget to keep your shoes out of the middle of the hall for the cleaning lady to be able to move her cart by our lab.
7. June 25th, Nishihira-sensei (famous coral reef biologist) will give a special presentation on coral reef biodiversity.
8. Taiwan summer exchange program - (see poster above), if you are interested contact JDR.