1. the grant from Ryukyu Univ.
The grant for master or doctor course students is suggested by Univ.
The dead line is 16th, May.
This is chance for student!
2. Stamp
If you want Reimer-sensei's stamp, go to the office at 5 floor.
Tamashiro-san would respond you.
3. Jamie's schedule
Jamie will go to Australia from 25th April, and he will not use Internet from 1th-17th May.
If you want to buy some supplies, tell it Obuchi-san, Takuma-san, or Sung-yin.
4. Part time-job
Biology experiment class is hold at 26th, 27th, 30th May.
Jamie will be busy these days, so if you can, please help it.
And this will be very good job for your purse.
5. 22th April, Horikuchi-sensei's seminar will be hold at OIST.
the start time is 15:00.