Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lab Meeting 2008.10.1

End of summer, fall semester is almost here...

Notes from today's meeting:
Present: FS, MO, YM, ES, TF, JDR
Absent: YI (touring Okinawa), MH & YH (visiting home), YS (broken motorbike)

1. Tanks: The two common tanks will have a "monitor" every week to make sure they are OK. As well, the monitor will make sure there is enough ocean water, and take steps to ensure that people get water. Also, occasionally water should be changed, as otherwise salt content will become higher and higher. For individual's tanks (YM and TF), you are responsible for your own tank!

2. "Normal" lab meetings with short (5 min) presentations will start Oct. 15th - if he is here, MO will show Singapore pictures.

3. The student room key is now on your right side when you enter the experiment room, on a hook. Don't panic if you can't find the key in its old location.

4. Don't forget to pay lab money.

5. We have some extra budget, so if there is anything you need write it on the "wish list" on the student room fridge.

6. When you know your 2nd term schedule, please tell JDR, so we can arrange a lab seminar. For this term, 3rd years and Masters students will all do the seminar together. 4th years are also welcome to attend, of course.

7. CA arrives this weekend! We made desk space for her, and discussed going to the airport to pick her up. FS, YI, ES, and JDR et al. will go welcome her. We will have dinner earlier at the airport too. Probably (if the weather is fine) we will go to the student festival on Sunday.

8. FS and YM will get an inkan ordered for CA. JDR will take her to the bank.

That's all for now, have a great week.

Today's picture is YH taking a picture of a lion fish at Oku during the camp trip.