Present: MO, TF, YI, ES, YM, YS, MH, YH, CA, JDR
Absent: FS (Europe)
Not too much again today - everyone is busy with seminar preparation etc.
1. Money from Hedo and/or JCRS flights: YM and YH.
2. CA - trip to Osaka? Check with Intl. Student Office.
3. Friday a.m., go to the beach depending on weather for YH's research. YH, JDR, CA, ES, TF.
4. Jisshu: Friday night - Odo Beach during low tide... YM and JDR, TF will come along.
5. Tank this week: YS.
6. Makeman shopping: lights for TF and MH; salinity meter, blank DVDs, tissue. JDR will go Thursday p.m.
7. Part-time job: JDR needs transcription of Japanese interviews - TF will do it.
8. Pictures: Oops, YI and JDR mixed up, JDR showed pictures of Australia, next week is YI.
9. Computer (Windows XP with PAUP, net, Adobe Illustrator, etc.) now in lab, microscopes are moved to center table. Dissecting scope and mount ready to go but waiting for digital camera to arrive.
10. We have 36 l of tax-free ethanol (99%) = not for molecular but good for preserving etc. When you use it please fill out the paperwork in the lab by the formalin paperwork. If you have questions ask MO.
Today's picture is from the soft coral gardens during Friday's dive in Sunabe...