Another short meeting today, but many things happening!
Present: YS, YM, YI, ES, TF, MH, JDR, MO, YH, CA
Absent: FS (Osaka...)
Items for discussion:
1. YI and her dad, along with JDR and whoever else can come, will do a survey of the benthos around Korijima Island towards the end of this month. YI will check and see what dates are possible. Likely we will go around the 27th or 28th of Dec.
2. Tank monitor this week: CA.
3. YM can drive this Saturday a.m. for JDR's "kiso zemi".
4. Don't believe the 2nd floor! Well, at least check with senseis or the 5th floor first; there have been many mistakes lately by the office there...
5. DNA extractions tomorrow; CA, YI, MO, YM will participate with JDR.
6. Christmas/Bonenkai: JDR invites all lab members to his house on the afternoon of Dec. 25th for XMAS fun. Also, we will have a bonenkai on the 21st, after the 4th years have handed in their report (first draft).
7. Shopping: Erector set, lights for tanks, lights for microscopes, scales, sample nets, counter, etc.
Have a great week.
Today's picture is a cool image from Haeckel - one of his old textbooks I think.